- 是怎么拼的? How do you spell it?
- 你记得这是怎么做的[这个字怎么拼的]? Do you remember how to do it [spell the word]?
- 我没有听清楚你的名字。请告诉我是怎么拼的,好吗? I didn't catch the name. Would you spell it, please?
- 怎么 (interrogative pronoun)
- 好的,不过对不起,先生您的姓是怎么拼呢? Yes. I'm sorry,but how do you spell your last name,sir?
- 不要告诉经理是怎么把工作搞砸了的,不然他会大发雷霆的! Don't tell the director how you ruined the job, or he'll go through the roof.
- 他把它拿开,揭露出来一个样子很不错的小宝箱子,这个宝箱的四周和底都是木瓦拼的。 He took it up and disclosed a shapely little treasure box whose bottom and sides were of shingles.
- 到美国来旅游的人有时会问美国各州的名字是怎么得来的。 People who visit the United States sometimes wonder how the states got their names.
- 那些好读好记好拼的名字就是好名字! Names that stick! They're easy to pronounce, easy to remember and most of all easy to spell!
- 怎么拼? How do you spell it?
- 亨特或许遇见了他梦寐以求的姑娘。但是妈妈一定不知道是怎么回事。 Hunter may have met the girl of his dreams. But Mum mustn't know what's cooking.
- 你的姓怎么拼? How do you spell your surname?
- 请问怎么拼呢? How do you spell that, please?
- 上帝才知道他是怎么仍活着。他肯定像猫一样,有九条命。 God knows how he's still alive. He must have nine lives like a cat.
- 这个词怎么拼? How do you spell this word?
- 你知道鸡是怎么能够从网里跑出来的吗? Do you know how the chickens were able to squeak through the net?
- 怎么拼你的姓? How to spell your family name?
- 我不管你个人是怎么想的,但与公司顾客谈生意时,你必须遵循我们的既定方针。 I don't care what your personal views are; when talking to this company's clients you must follow the party line.
- 那个词你怎么拼? How do you spell the word?
- 你的姓怎么拼法? How do you spell your last name?