- 昆虫几乎都有触角。
Almost all insects have feelers.
- 蚕茧是由昆虫制造的一种由丝组成的外包层。
A cocoon is a kind of silk covering made by an insect.
- 鱼浮到水面上捕捉昆虫。
Fish were surfacing to catch insects.
- 蝙蝠在夜间飞行,以昆虫为食。
Bats fly at night and feed on insects.
- 一位稀有昆虫采集家将给我们看一些他的最新发现。
A collector of rare insects will show us some of his latest discoveries.
- 许多危险的疾病是由昆虫传播的。
Many dangerous diseases are carried by insects.
- 蜘蛛能用蜘蛛网抓住昆虫。
The spider can catch insects by cobweb.