- 汉子 fellow
- 你这无赖! You blackguard!
- 那个汉子脑子笨。 That guy has a thick head.
- [美]无赖 a tough guy
- 那汉子流浪着穿过西部地区。 The man bummed through the West.
- 歹徒,无赖 A gangster or ruffian.
- 她对那个粗鲁的汉子怒目而视。 She gave the rude man a glare.
- 无赖! Cad!
- 那个汉子干了许多坏事。 The man has committed many wrongs.
- 愚蠢是无赖的斗篷。 Folly is the cloak of knavery.
- 他是个硬汉子. He's a tough cookie.
- 别人背后骂他无赖。 The other people called him a ratter in the backward.
- 硬汉子 steel-willed man
- 狡诈的无赖 a crafty rascal
- 那汉子行为恶劣。 That man behaved awfully.
- 骨子里你是无赖。 In kind you are a rascal.
- 那个汉子没有恻隐之心。 That man was inaccessible to pity.
- 然后我开始想象我与他们分手后那两个无赖朋友的情形。 Then I imagine my rascal friends after we parted.
- 这条汉子真有种。 He is really a man with plenty of guts.
- 我们深恶痛绝那个无赖。 We abominated the rascal.