- 无德无才者,自食其力 Let them make their own living for those without talents and moralities;
- 有才无德限制录用,无德无才坚决不用。 A man with competence but no virtues should be employed limitedly; A man without virtues or competence shouldn't be employed.
- 有德无才者,委以小用,可教育培训,促其发展; Give them some unimportant positions for those with moralities but on talents.Given them a chance of education and training to help them develop
- 殉教行为,是无德无能者可以一举成名的唯一途径。 martyrdom be the only way in which a man can become famous without ability .
- 有才无德 have ability but no principles
- 大德无暨 one's generosity knows no bounds
- 有德无过 be virtuous and without fault
- 无才无能 untalented and incapable
- 才艺 acqierement
- 全无 nil
- 无怨无德 have no blame nor benevolence
- 如果你没有明确的目标,你可能工作很长时间而全无进展。 If you don't have a clear aim, you can work a long time and still be going in circles.
- 无纺 nonwoven
- 无界 unbounded
- 沉默无语的 shtoom
- 无尘 dustless
- 不学无术 be ignorant and incompetent
- 稚嫩的;无经验的,不老练的缺乏经验或老练的;天真的 Lacking experience or sophistication; naive.
- 漫无目的 flanerie
- 南无阿弥陀佛 Namo Amita Buddha [homage to the Buddha, Amita]