- 木兰文武学校庆祝元旦文艺汇演 Joint performance for the celebration of New Year Festival by Mulanshan Wenwu School
- 文武官员再三劝进,曹操就是不肯称帝。 Civil and military officials urged Cao Cao to ascend the throne again and again, but he refused every time.
- 文武圣人情结与中国现代旅游主题文化理念的整合 The Complex Tendency on Scholar-Saint and Warrior-Saint and Conformity of Cultural Ideas on Modern Tourism in China
- 孔子与关羽是华夏文武两圣,文拜孔子,武拜关羽。 Confucius and Guan Yu are the two saints of China, and the former ideological and the latter military.
- [美]全能军 an all purposes army
- 我要求人类判断此行动时给予谅解,请求全能上帝慈悲赐福。 I invoke the considerate judgement of mankind and the gracious favour of Almighty God.
- 朱元璋一听,觉得不行,朝中有这么多文武大臣,都用石头凿,何时才能完工呢。 Zhu did not think this feasible. There were too many ministers and generals in his court. Carving was slow work and it would take an interminable time to shape so many figures in stone.
- 全能之才 versatile genius
- 全能谱 whole 7 energy spectrum
- 在我们为中国人民解放的斗争中,有各种的战线,其中也可以说有文武两个战线,这就是文化战线和军事战线。 In our struggle for the liberation of the Chinese people there are various fronts,among which there are the fronts of the pen and of the gun,the cultural and the military fronts.
- 上帝的全能 the omnipotence of God
- 大全能 long - distance all - round
- 全能仪 GPS
- 太极全能 Taiji decathlon
- 全能值班 all-around operator
- 全能项目 combined event
- 全能运动员。 an all-around athlete.
- 全能政府 omnipotent government
- 女子全能 female all-round
- 逻辑全能 logical omniscience