- 老教授主持了一次理论物理学家的研讨会。
The old professor had presided over a seminar for theoretical physicists.
- 这位教授目前正在写一本书。
The professor is presently writing a book.
- 我们的教授要求他就这个课题写篇论文。
Our professor asked him to write a treatise on the subject.
- 教授将要做关于地理特征的讲座。
The professor will give a lecture of geographical features.
- 该教授正进行高深的学术研究。
The professor is engaged in advanced studies.
- 我们的教授是一个学识渊博的人。
Our professor is a man of profound learning.
- 格林教授不久前在普林斯顿任教,现在是加州大学的系主任。
Professor Green, lately of Princeton, is now head of the department at California.