- 石的 lithic
- 锆石 zircon
- 擎天柱投影闹钟 Optimus Prime Projection Alarm Clock
- 石脑油 naphtha
- 黑曜石 obsidian
- 总工程师是这项工程的擎天柱。 The chief engineer is the mainstay of the project.
- 算你走运,擎天柱.现在来对付我! Scourge: Lucky move, Optimus. Now face me!
- 水滴石穿 persistent efforts can solve any problem
- 坚持住啊!别让他打倒你啊,星之擎天柱! Hang in there! Don't let him beat you, Star convoy!
- 一石二鸟 kill two birds with one stone
- 擎天柱:经典的领袖型角色。博派的真英雄。 Optimus Prime - Classic Prime type character. True hero of the Autobots.
- 蛭石 vermiculite
- 啊哈,星之擎天柱。让我来揍你个眼冒金星吧! Hah, Star Convoy.I'll show you some stars!
- 人造石 rostone
- 擎天柱:自由是所有具备感情的生物应该拥有的权力。 Optimus Prime: Freedom is the right of all sentient beings.
- 石斛 dendrobe
- 投石 lapidation
- 擎天柱:[在踩坏一大花盆后]哎呀,对不起,是我不好。 Optimus Prime: [after stepping on a large plant in a pot] Oops, Sorry, my bad.
- 猫眼石 cat's eye
- 鼠标点击游戏下方三个状态来变换擎天柱,或者用键盘上下键也可以。 Click on the mouse games beneath three state to transform huge, or using keyboard arrow keys can be.