根据许多采邑的习惯法,继承人对被继承人已登记在册的不动产所有权,如不在其死后1年内提出要求,就将自动丧失。 By the custom of many manors one shall lose copyhold if he claims it not within a year and a day after the death of his ancestor.
当我向保险公司提出要求赔偿一架新的照相机时,我处于不利的地位,困为我那架旧相机的丢失完全是由于我自己的粗心所致。 I was on a sticky wicket when I claimed for a new camera on my insurance because I lost the old one entirely through my own carelessness.
作为妻子诉讼代理人的初级律师提出要求获得赡养费判令。 Solicitor acting for the wife make an application for a maintenance order.