- 我在操场拣到一本书。 I found a book on the playground.
- 而现在拣到它杀死麦克马洪先生。 And now he got it for killing Mr. McMahon.
- 无论你拣到了什么,你都必须把它归还给物主。 Whatever it is you've found, you must give it back to the person it belongs to.
- 如果在街上拣到贵重物品,应该交给最近的警察局。 If you find something valuable in the street,you should hand it in the nearest police station.
- 一个拣破烂的人竟然在垃圾堆里拣到一块金手表。 Isn't it amazing that a Bag lady had run into a gold watch in the garbage?
- 是的。(她们来到另一家,哈克先生出来)嗨,我们拣到一只猫,我们在找它的主人。 Oh. (they knock at the next door, Mr. Heckles answers) Hi. We just found this cat and we're looking for the owner.
- 上下左右键控制移动,按空格键在姐弟之间切换,拣到炸弹后可以按Ctrl键放炸弹。 The next key control around Mobile, according to the space bar to switch between the sister and brother, after he got the bomb by Ctrl plant bombs.
- 如果海风迫使鹧鸪作长途飞行的话,你可以从地上拣到因耗尽精力而堕落地面的鹧鸪。 "You may pick them up in utter exhaustion, if wind over the sea has driven them to a long journey. "
- 笔者在宁夏贺兰山东麓的乱石坡上,曾拣到一枚石斧,经考古学家鉴定为新石器时期的遗物。 Once on a rock-strewn slope of the eastern foothills of Helan Mountain, the writer of the present article happened on a stone axe which archaeologists later identified as an artifact of the Neolithic Age.
- 上个月月末,来自美国得克萨斯州的一对夫妇在阿肯色州的“钻石坑”州立公园幸运地拣到一颗6.35克拉重的钻石。 A COUPLE from Texas found a 6.35-carat diamond at the Arkansas Crater of Diamonds State Park late last month.
- 刘宇一教授说,这块雨花石是他五年前在南京郊外一个雨花石加工场的路上拣到的,回家后仔细端祥,发现了其上的“中国版图”。 Professor Yuyi Liu said that he picked up the stone on the road to a yuhua stone processing plant in a suburb of Nanjing five years ago, and after he returned home he carefully inspected the stone and discovered the "territory of China " on it.
- 耐克公司表示,这些鞋质量很好,晒干以后仍然可以穿。 但问题出在想很少人能同时拣到一双鞋,绝大部分都是一只一只地出现,想要出售恐怕很困难了。 Nike says the shoes will be perfectly usable, once dried, but pairs were not tied together, most likely preventing a glut of free shoes that might dampen sales.
- 耐克公司表示,这些鞋质量很好,晒干以后仍然可以穿。但问题出在想很少人能同时拣到一双鞋,绝大部分都是一只一只地出现,想要出售恐怕很困难了。 Nike says the shoes will be perfectly usable,once dried,but pairs were not tied together,most likely preventing a glut of free shoes that might dampen sales.