- 庸俗 (adj) filthy; vulgar; debased
- 自在,不拘束 be at ease with sb.
- 庸俗的 stodgy
- 拘束焊 restraint welding
- 水浸拘束 stress
- 表决权拘束协议 Voting agreement
- 他非常庸俗。 He's very worldly.
- 在家;无拘束;安适 At home; inside
- 庸俗的趣味 plebeian tastes
- 她生性狂放,不受拘束。 She has violent and unregulated nature.
- 我希望你们能随便,不拘束。 I hope you can make yourselves at home.
- 穿着庸俗 a loud dresser
- 在这种场合下我感到有点拘束。 I feel somewhat restrained on such an occasion.
- 乔是一个爱招摇的,庸俗的人。 Joe is a loud, vulgar person.
- 他刚入座时还感到有点拘束和别扭。 He sat down, at first, with some constraint and awkwardness.
- 许多书籍的成功,是由于作者与大众之间,其想法之庸俗互相吻合所使然。 The success of many book is due to the affinity between the mediocrity of the author's idea and those of the public.
- 她说话和行动都随心所俗,不加拘束。 No curb was put either on her words or actions.
- 庸俗伤感的爱情小说. a romantic novel full of slush
- 我必使你们从杖下经过,使你们被约拘束。 I will take note of you as you pass under my rod, and I will bring you into the bond of the covenant.
- 一些书刊庸俗不堪。 Some books and magazines are very vulgar.