- 拌面 noodles served with soy sauce
- 杂集 miscellany
- 疑难杂症 difficult and complicated disease
- 参杂 inclusion
- 拌菜 botargo
- 杂化 hybridization
- 拌黄瓜 fresh cucumber with bean sauce
- 杂环 heterocycle
- 拌合 malaxation
- 杂木 miscellaneous tree
- 拌八爪鱼 Spicy Cuttlefish
- 杂件 sundries
- 拌豆腐丝 Shredded Tofu with Sauce
- 杂散 stray
- 拌萝卜丝 mixed shredded turnip
- 杂锦 assorted
- 拌制 mixing
- 吵杂 noisy
- 拌凉拌(色拉) mix a salad
- 杂菜 hodgepodge