- 济贫院的高贵轮廓和英尼戈·琼斯的不朽纪念碑进入眼帘。 The noble lines of the hospital, immortal monument of Inigo Janes came in view.
- 济 aid
- 危 danger
- 贫 poor
- 这笔钱计划用于济贫。 The money is to be used for the benefit of the poor.
- 轻抚 pet
- 正襟危坐 sit properly with a serious mien, sit respectfully
- 济贫医院 Hospice Hospital
- 她喜欢抚抱她的洋娃娃。 She likes to cuddle her doll.
- 他们已拆除了那堵危墙。 They have torn down that dangerous wall.
- 我的小女儿走过来要我抚抱。 My little daughter came to me for a cuddle.
- 危惧 afraid
- 这些英雄掠富济贫。 These heroes rob rich the helping the poor.
- 共济会 fraternal order
- 抚棺痛哭 To mourn loudly over a coffin
- 危情 danger
- 共济失调 ataxia
- 抚琴 play the zither
- 然后,只走了几步路,我们来到一座危岩从那堤岸迤逦而去的地方。 We walked a few more steps and then we reached the rocky bridge that juts out from the bank.
- 贫化率 rate of dilution