- RF、AKA和抗CCP抗体联检对类风湿关节炎诊断的临床价值 Clinical Diagnostic Value of Combined Determination of Serum RF,AKA and Anti-CCP Antibody Levels in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
- 抗CCP抗体和RF(IgA、IgM、IgG)经Spearman相关分析,呈正相关。 ACCP presented positive correlation with IgA-RF, IgG-RF and IgM-RF by Spearman relativity analysis.
- 抗CCP抗体特异性、敏感性、阳性预测值和阴性预测值依次为100.0%、85.4%、100.0%、82.1%; The specificity,sensitivity,positive predictive value and negative predictive value of anti-CCP antibody were 100.0%25,85.4%25,100.0%25,82.1%25;
- 抗CCP抗体与抗Sa抗体之间具有相关性,且均与APF、AKA相关。 Anti-CCP is associated with anti-Sa antibody and they are also associated with APF, AKA.
- 抗 to resist
- AKA、APF、RF和抗CCP抗体在类风湿关节炎诊断和鉴别诊断中的应用 Clinical value of APF,AKA,RF and anti-CCP antibody in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
- 抗拉强度 intensity of tension
- 抗菌 antibiosis
- 抗氧化剂 antioxidant
- 抗性 fastness
- CCP抗体 Anti- cyclic eitrullinated peptide antibody
- 抗病毒 antivirus
- 抗氧化 oxidation resistance
- 抗压 resist compression
- 抗压强度 pressive strength
- 用酶联免疫吸附(ELISA)法测定Anti-CCP抗体的浓度; Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA) was used to determine anti-CCP antibodies;
- 拮抗 antagonism
- 抗衰老 anti-ageing; senile-resistant
- 活动组与非活动组Anti-CCP抗体与ESR、CRP呈正相关(P<0.05); Anti-CCP antibody titers positively correlated with ESR and CRP in active and inactive phase(P<0.05);
- 抗菌药 antibacterial