- 我们全党全民要把这个雄心壮志牢固地树立起来,扭着不放,“顽固”一点,毫不动摇。 The whole Party and people should form this high resolve and keep to it without faltering.
- 游戏开始后,点小人把球扔出去,按着不放可以控制力度,按着的时候还可以控制角度哦。 After the game, point curs throwing the ball away, following link control efforts Based time can also control perspective oh. Enter the name of the game
- 着 catch
- 他老是把着麦克风跳舞。 He always hogs the mic and dances.
- 把着十字路口有家超市。 There is a supermarket near the crossroads.
- 他抓住那贼死抱着不放,一直到有人来支援。 He seized the thief and clung on to him until help arrived.
- 来吧,孩子。让我把着你的手。 Come child: let me guide your hand.
- 对啊。他老是把着麦克风跳舞。 He always hogs the mike and dances.
- 死抱着不放 cling to
- 这时两个侦探把着门,另外两个打开包裹。 While two detectives were keeping guard at the door, two others opened the parcel.
- 乐队的声音盖过了我们的谈话声音,因此我们只好坐着不说话。 The band drowned out our conversation so we sat and said nothing.
- 别吵了!不然我就把你们统统留下不放学了。 Lay off, or I'll put the lot of you in detention.
- 也可以把着陆时间精确到秒的几分之一。 And we can time the landing with the precision of a fraction of a second.
- 几个星期来他们对我的案件压着不处理:他们要长久地拖延下去。 For weeks they did nothing about my case; they just sat on it for ages.
- 弗兰克把着水槽正在慢慢地活动着他的病腿。 Frank was holding onto the gutter and slowly exercising his bad leg.
- 他什麽都不能放着不做。 He leaves nothing undone.
- 看他,一天连个屁也不放,可把事都做了 Look at him, all day he doesn't so much as fart, but everything gets done!"
- 那个退休工人过着不愁吃穿的生活。 The retired worker lived in competence.
- 他手把着出鞘的剑,如果万一我挣脱束缚,他就可以用剑来防身。 He held his sword drawn in his hand, to defend himself, if I should happen to break loose.
- 在台湾问题上,美国的政策就是把住不放,这个我们看准了。 We are well aware that the United States policy is to hang onto Taiwan.