- 是一个通用的、广泛的、可扩展的抽象,可以定义和使用互操作的用XML说明的模型组件。 Integrating Modelling Toolkit - The Integrating Modelling Toolkit (IMT) is a generic, comprehensive, and extensible set of abstractions allowing definition and use of interoperable XML-specified model components.
- V模型 V model
- c)非标准设备的驱动程序可用保留设备名AUX或PRN编写或用扩展的软件中断处理程序编写。 c) Non-standard device driver can be written by using the reserved name of device AUX or PRN or by expanding a new software interrupt.
- M-V模型 M-V model
- 后者是由二氧杂环戊烷中活化较弱的C-H键离解而产生的。 The latter arises from abstraction of the somewhat lesser activated C-H bond in the dioxolane.
- 改进v模型 improved V model
- 巨型鼻咽血管纤维瘤颅内扩展的影像评估及手术方案的选择 Huge nasopharyngeal angiofibroma with intracranial extension: imaging evaluation and the choice of surgical managements
- 右美沙芬对局灶脑缺血所致的c-fos蛋白表达的抑制作用 Inhibitory effects of dextromethorphan on c fos protein
- 证券投资组合的模糊M-V模型 Fuzzy M-V Model to Portfolio
- 裂纹扩展的速度 fracture speed
- 焊机是1650mm270KVA,液压和气动操作的C型-板材窄搭接碾压缝焊机。 "The welder is 1650MM 270kva,hydraulically and pneumatically operated C-Flat Narrow Lap Seam Welder with joint planisher. "
- 基于V模型的自动化工具测试方法 On the Testing Method with Automated Tools based on V-Model
- get-business DetailExt: 用于获得扩展的businessEntity信息。 get-business Detail Ext: Used to get extended business Entity information.
- 描述了守护进程的概念、实现原理等 ,并给出了的C语言示例源程序。 It describes the concept and principles of daemon. It offers the model source program of C language.
- 最优投资组合的若干修正 M-V模型(英文) Some Modified M-V Models for Portfolio Selections
- 扩展的F展开法 extended F-expansion method
- 扩展的纽结族 extended knot family
- 扩展的随机DAG Expanded stochastic DAG
- 在扩展的领地旁盖 Undead: Building a Necropolis next to an Expansion undead
- 本文对飞机航线飞行距离计算的数学模型进行了概述,并对2000年全国大学生数学建模竞赛的C题答卷进行了评述. The sketch of the mathematical modeling for the Calcalation of the distance covered by an airline is discribed.Some comments to the answer paper for the problem C of 2000 China undergraduate MCM are given.