- 我该去看望他吗? Ought I to call on him?
- 查克:那我该去帮你订一张到巴西的机票吗? Zack: So should I book you a ticket to Brazil?
- 今天上午我去看望诺亚,或者说我试图看望他。 I went to see Noah this morning, or rather tried to see him.
- 可是我该怎么办呢?用装鞋油的罐子打他吗?他这个块头可以揍扁了我。要是有人来多好! But what could I do about it? Hit him with a can of shoe polish? A man his size could grind me into the floor. If only someone would come in!
- 我去看望他时,他正在听著名的华尔兹舞曲《蓝色多瑙河》。 He to the the Blue Danube when I went to see him.
- 我该去吗? Ought I to go?
- 我该去了。 It's time for me to go.
- 他不能强迫自己去看望他的父母。 He could not bring himself to call his parents.
- 我该去哪个站台? Which platform do I want?
- 他可能不喜欢我去看望他,但不管怎样,我还是会去看他的。 He may not like my visit, but I shall go and see him anyhow.
- 别忘了不时去看望他 Don' t neglect paying him a visit now and then.
- 现在改行太晚吗?我该马上开始攒钱买房子吗? Is it too late to change professions?Should I start saving money to buy a house soon?
- 我该怎样把这坏消息告诉他的妈妈。 How should I break this bad news to his mother?
- 倘若你去看望他,他会高兴的。 If you went to see him, he would be delighted.
- 接着我该去哪里? Where shall I go next?
- 你打算今晚去看望他,是吗? You will call on him tonight, will not you?
- 山:啊,玛莎,我该叫你菲德斯通医生吗? Sa: Ah, Marsha, or should I call you Dr. Fieldstone.
- 他迫切地想到医院去看望他的继母,他把继母当自己的亲妈妈一样爱戴。 He was eager to go to the hospital to see his stepmother, whom he loved as his own mother.
- 要是他不知道该去哪儿,还是不去为好。 If he doesn't know where he's going he might just as well pack up.
- 我迷恋一把完美的手枪,我该告诉她吗? Father told us to be faithful I've got a crush on a pretty pistol Should i tell her that i feel this way?