- 我们要不要果冻? Do we need any jelly?
- 我们要不要钩住并靠近他们的船,以便与之作战? Shall we grapple and lay their ship aboard?
- 我们要不要休会吃午饭,下午两点再谈? Shall we adjourn for lunch now and resume the negotiation at two o'clock this afternoon?
- 不要告诉经理是怎么把工作搞砸了的,不然他会大发雷霆的! Don't tell the director how you ruined the job, or he'll go through the roof.
- 我们要不要邀他们周六来吃饭? Shall we have them round for dinner on Saturday?
- "人们相信一场新的经济危机可能再次席卷全球,但是我们希望它不要发生。" "It is conceivable that there will be a new economic crisis throughout the world, but we hope it won't happen."
- 我们要不要去请大夫? Shall we call a doctor?
- 我们要不辜负老师的殷切期望。 We should justify the ardent expectations of our teachers.
- 先生,你要不要试穿一下这件夹克衫,看看尺寸是否合适? Would you like to try this jacket on for size, sir?
- 我们要不要去请大夫? Shall we call a doctor?
- 我们要不要研究该合同的细节? Be not we obliged to study the details of the contract?
- 这里,我们要不嫌繁琐,多说几句。 At this point we are exposing ourselves to the charge of redundancy.
- 我们要不要邀他们周六来吃饭? Shall we have them round for dinner on Saturday?
- 我们要不把积水清除掉,船就要沉了。 The boat will sink unless we bailout.
- 我们要不要点这道菜? Shall we order it?
- 如果我们大家一起动手干,我们要不了几分钟就能把这屋子整理好。 We can tidy the room in a few minutes if we all set to.
- 我们今天有很好的菲力小牛排,您要不要试试? We have very good filet mignon today. Would you like to try?
- 我们要把这件事引为鉴戒,不要重犯他们的错误。 We must take warning from this story and not repeat their errors.
- 我们要不要改变立场,加入胜利者的行列呢? Shall we turn our coats, and join the victors?
- 我们要不要甜点? Should we order dessert?