- 您要续杯吗? Would you like a refill?
- 你的咖啡要续杯吗? Do you want your coffee refilled?
- 吧台有,您要一杯吗? Yes, we have. Do you want one?
- 吗 morphine
- 可以续杯吗? Can I get a refill?
- 他们催促我们要续订单。 They press us for repeat order.
- 今天看来要续会了,到现在都没结果。 It seems that we'll prolong the meeting today since no decision has been made so far.
- 抱歉,可以帮我的咖啡续杯吗? Excuse me, can I have a refill of coffee, please?
- 您要吗? Do you want them?
- 您要几杯,先生? How many glasses will you need, sir?
- 您想在饭前喝一杯吗? Would you like a drink before your meal?
- 您要些润发膏吗? Do you like some hair pomade?
- 您要票吗? Do you want tickets?
- 晚上要出去喝一杯吗? Want to go out for a couple of drinks later tonight?
- 您要买化妆品吗? Do you need anything in the cosmetics line?
- 你要喝一杯吗? Will you have a drink?
- 您要珠宝首饰吗? Would you like jewellery?
- 你要再来一杯吗? Would you like a refill?
- 您要订购一些吗? Can you take any?
- 你要请我喝一杯吗? Are you going to stand me a drink?