- 总票价是426美元。您要如何付款呢? The total cost is %24426. How will you be payed for the tickets ?
- 您要如何付款呢? How will you be paying for the ticket?
- 您将如何付款呢? How would you like to settle your bill?
- 您预备如何付款呢? How would you like to settle your bill?
- 许多的经理直觉的意识到他们需要让更多的人参与,然而您要如何实现 Many managers intuitively know that they need to get more people involve but how do you do that
- 我应如何付款? How do I pay for it?
- 您要不要跟上次一样烫头发? Do you want a perm like you had last time?
- 美国要如何弥补它的过失呢? What can the US Government do to atone its failure to safeguard and protect these Iraqi national treasures?
- 您要哪种洗发精? What shampoo do you prefer?
- 您要看黄金戒指还是白金戒指? May I show you gold rings or platinum ones?
- 问:我要如何报名? How do I register for the audition?
- 您要烫发,还是做头发? What would you want, a perm or a set?
- 要如何取消我的帐号? How can I cancel my account in full?
- 我要如何预防青春痘? How do I prevent acne?
- 您要我将这些字中的哪些字缩写成电报? Which of these words do you want me to abbreviate for the telegram?
- 他指示了家具要如何摆放。 He indicated where the furniture was to go.
- 我们今天有很好的菲力小牛排,您要不要试试? We have very good filet mignon today. Would you like to try?
- `您要什麽样的咖啡?'`请来一样一半(即一半咖啡一半牛奶)。' `How do you like your coffee?' `Half-and-half (ie Half coffee and half milk), please.'
- 一个人要如何接受这样的礼物呢? How does one accept this gift?
- 找到您要借的那本书或杂志的目录卡,记下它的索书号码。 Find the particular item you are look for. jot down the call number.