- 耳 ear
- 耳麦 earphone mic
- 耳饰 earring
- 智子悦父,呆儿忤母。 A wise son make a glad father; but a foolish man despise his mother.
- 吊耳 liftinglug
- 与人无忤 bear no ill will against anybody; live in harmony with other people
- 耳的 otic
- 违忤 violate; go against; run counter to; disobey
- 入耳 pleasant; pleasant to the ear
- 触忤 provoke
- 耳套 earcap
- 忤逆子 unfilial son
- 我看见她耳朵上戴着的钻石耳钉。 I saw diamond studs in her ears.
- 小儿客忤 convulsive seizures induced by terror in children
- 耳罩 earflap
- 不以为忤 take in good part
- 中恶,卒忤 apoplectic disease
- 耳蜗 cochlea
- 以忤逆父母作反常之乐 take a perverse pleasure in upsetting one's parents
- 挂耳 suspension loop