- 他们对於所发生的事的说法互相之间有矛盾。 Their accounts of what happened don't hang together.
- 忠於 loyal to
- 他们对於所发生的事的说法互相之间有矛盾. Their accounts of what happened don't hang together.
- 所 place
- 他忠於职守。 He is faithful in the discharge of his duties.
- 那条狗忠於主人. That dog is devoted to his master.
- 我们都习惯於所受的教养. We have all been conditioned by our upbringing.
- 忠 loyal
- 你整天无所事是却和人家酗酒。 You do nothing but soak with the guests all day long.
- 於 at
- 理事 (n) councilman
- 会所 chamber
- 谁是保皇党人他们是1700年代从美国迁入的忠於英国的英国殖民。 Who were the United Empire Loyalists The English settlers who moved from the United States in the late 1700s because they were loyal to England.
- 多事 meddlesome
- 所需 required
- 事由 main content
- 不忠 treason
- 某事 something
- 由於 due to
- 据我所知 as far as know