- 我前思后想,还是没有办法。 I've turned it over and over in my mind, but still haven't found a way out.
- 他坐火车回家,在车上前思后想时,他自己身上有些东西仿佛也已死去。 As he pondered on the train home something in his own self seemed to have died.
- 他坐火车回家,在车上前思后想时,他自己身上有些东西仿佛也已死去。 As he pondered on the train home something in his own self seemed to have died.
- 前 previous
- 这位母亲将这一切情况前思后想之后,觉得自己像是一个呼唤精灵的人,但是由于没有按照魔法的步骤行事,尚把握不住制服这个还闹不清底细的新精灵的咒语。 Brooding over all these matters, the mother felt like one who has evoked a spirit, but, by some irregularity in the process of conjuration, has failed to win the master-word that should control this new and incomprehensible intelligence.
- 思 to think
- 前的 prevenient
- 天后 the Queen of heaven
- 前思后想 think
- 日后 sometime
- 前几天 the other day
- 售后 after sale
- 前一 Before
- 而后 then
- 在前 forward
- 冥思苦想 contemplate
- 在后 behind
- 前一个 previous
- 其后 thereafter
- 前日 eve