- 那些後知後觉的人等到热潮已过後才开始拍侦探片。 Those Johnny-come-latelyies produced mystery films after the trend had ended.
- 落後 lag
- 知性 intellectuality
- 後者 latter
- 已知 known
- 在後 behind
- 不觉 unconsciously
- 後勤 logistical
- 知的 chief
- 总觉 integrated perception
- 後代 posterity
- 向後 backward
- 周知 publicity
- 分离主义和种族冲突一直困扰著後冷战时代的国际社会。 Separatism and racial conflict has been haunting the post- cold war community.
- 获知 know
- 早知 precognition
- 自从五年前我离开以後,那座城市已变得几乎认不出了。 The city have altered almost out of recognition since I left there five years ago.
- 知人 acquiring an understanding of men
- 他们原来想买一所大房子,後来不得不降低要求买一所较小的。 They had to lower their sights and buy a smaller house than they would have liked.
- 不可预知的 unpredictable