- 彩色M型多普勒和应变率成像技术评价高血压患者左室舒张功能的临床研究 A Clinical Study of Color M-mode Doppler Echocardiography and Strain Rate Imaging in Evaluating the Left Ventricular Diastolic Function in the Patients with Hypertension
- 应用彩色M型多普勒测量舒张早期左室流入道血流传播速度评价冠心病患者左室舒张期功能 Assessment of left ventricular diastolic function using color M-mode Doppler echocardiography to measure the rate of flow propagation in left ventricle during early filling
- 彩色M-型多普勒 Color M-mode Doppler
- 对照组 2 2人在心尖四腔心切面测量E峰和A峰并计算E/A比值、E峰减速时间 (DT)、等容舒张时间 (IVRT)、彩色M型多普勒测量血流播散速率 (RFP) ,计算RFP/E。 E wave,A wave,E/A ratio,DT,IVRT,RFP,RFP/E,S wave,D wave,Vs/Vd,FVTIs,ARV and ARD/AD were detected in everyone.
- 彩色M-型多普勒评价左室舒张功能的临床研究 Velocity of Flow Propagation Assessment of Left Ventricular Diastolic Function Using Color M-mode Doppler Echocardiography
- 组织速度显像的彩色M型技术 M-mode of TVI
- 功率M型多普勒 power M-mode Doppler
- 笔型 pen type
- 整型 integer
- 运动型 motile
- 彩色M型多普勒超声评价高血压病人的左室舒张功能 Evaluation of the Left Ventricular Diastolic Function in Patients with Hypertension by Color M-mode Doppler Echocardiography
- 表型 phenotype
- 外型尺寸 external dimension
- 彩色多普勒检测肺静脉血流评价冠心病患者左心室舒张功能 Estimation of Left Ventricular Diastolic Function in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease by Examing Pulmonary Venous Flow pattern using Color Doppler Echocardiography
- B型 Type B
- 板型 mplate
- 阴道彩色多普勒 Transvaginal TVCD
- 迷你型 mini
- 标准型 standard type
- 经颅多普勒彩色超声 Transcranial doppler sonography