- 封笔之作 last piece of work; swan song
- 笔之于书 put down in black and white
- 言 word
- 它的文体,大体上说,正是一位旅人在抒发其妙笔之思。 The style, as a whole, is that of the traveller on his best literary behaviour.
- 床第之言 private talks between husband and wife; intimate words said in bed
- 笔 pencil
- 它的文体,大体上说,正是一位旅人在抒发其妙笔之思。 The style, as a whole, is that of the traveller on his best literary behaviour.
- 言及 advert to
- 代言 represent
- 之後 afterwards
- 一笔 trait
- 敌人之言不可信。 Believe no tales from the enemy.
- 你该听一些逆耳之言了。 It's time you listened to a few home truths about yourself.
- 一家之言 statements of a school
- 伤人之言 barb words
- 酒后之言 drunken words
- 金玉之言 invaluable advice
- 他倾听智者之言。 He lent an at tentive ear to the words of the wise men.
- 无征之言 unfounded statement; baseless talk
- 反对新政府的挑衅之言。 a truculent speech against the new government.