- 广义CAD模型 generalized CAD model
- 三维CAD模型 3D CAD model
- CAD模型检索 CAD model retrieval
- 标准输入量
- 参数化CAD模型 Parametric CAD model
- 根据PLUS,独立进行详细的CAD模型制作及零部件、总成的绘图工作。 Use PLUS, work unassisted to produce detail CAD models and drawings of components and assemblies.
- 广义G-M模型 generalized G-M model
- 广义JKR模型 generalized JKR model
- CAD模型的直接切片在快速 Application of CAD Models'Direct Slicing on Rapid Prototyping Systems
- 广义M-D模型 generalized M-D model
- 广义力模型 generalized force model
- 他说,“用Geomagic Qualify,我能很快看出那两个不符合CAD模型的特征。 With Geomagic Qualify, I can quickly see the two features that don't match the CAD model.
- 广义模型转换 descriptor model transformation
- 广义线性模型 generalized linear model
- 用CMM机器检测,要求设计者们除了有零件的3D CAD模型外还要创建2D制图。 Inspecting with CMM machines requires that designers create a 2D drawing in addition to the 3D CAD model of a part.
- 广义帽盖模型 extended cap model
- CAD模型数据 CAD model datas
- 广义模型校正 extended model calibration
- CAD实体模型 CAD solid model
- 广义小脑模型 general cerebellar model articulation controller( CMAC )