- 年少无知 Too Young To Fight It
- "年少节俭,年老不愁" The man who saves when young will have more to spend when he is old
- 青春年少时我常在河边散步。 I always went to the riverside for a walk when I was an adolescent.
- 他情深意切地谈论着往昔和他的年少时光。 He talked romantically of the past and his youth.
- 他随着年龄的增长,变得老成持重多了。 He mellowed considerably as he grew older.
- 他年少时的毅力和勤奋造就了他今天的成就 His perseverance and diligence in his youth have make him what he be today
- 岁月使这兄弟俩老成持重了。 The years have mellowed the two brothers.
- 孩子过于老成。 That child is far too precocious.
- 我那位睿智的老师表现得有礼有节,和善地应对我的年少轻狂。 My wise teacher gently replied to my adolescent outrage with reasoned and moderate responses.
- 他忠厚老成。 He is honest and steady.
- 当年少轻狂从不需要任何人追逐爱情只是寻求刺激那些日子已经过去 When I was young I never needed anyone And making love was just for fun Those days are gone
- 暗色老成土 umbrult
- 不要轻视写作和计算,你在年少时所获得的这些有用的技能,将会造就你日后的成功。 Useful attainments in your minority will procure riches in maturity, of which writing and accounts are not the meanest.
- 他老是精神抖擞而又老成持重,心地善良而又干练、自负。 He always looked jaunty and yet reserved, goodnatured, and yet capable and self-sufficient.
- 暗色潮老成土 umbraquult
- 薄层湿老成土 hapludult
- 练达老成 experienced, sincere and honest
- 老成练达 experienced and worldly; wise; know all the moves on the board; experienced and versed in one's work
- 持重老成 Dignified and experienced
- 老成罐 ageing can