- 我在这个市镇受了一年罪,总算离开这里了。
After a year of misery here, I'm finally shaking the dust of this town off my feet.
- 这个市镇是我们这个世界的缩影。
This town is a microcosm of our world.
- 他们进占了这一市镇。
They marched in and took over the town.
- 这两个市镇通火车。
The two towns are connected by a railway.
- 我们走旁道,就能避开市镇的中心。
If we take the bypass we'll avoid the town centre.
- 有些村民从未远离过附近的市镇。
Some villagers have never been further afield than the neighbouring town.
- 市镇上空笼罩着一层烟幕。
A pall of smoke hung over the town.