- 《红楼梦》是一部鸿篇巨著。 A"Dreams of Red Mansion" is a masterwork.
- 巨制 monumental work; great work
- 《资治通鉴》是中国史学上的一部鸿篇巨著。 "A General Reflection for Political Administration" is a magnum opus in Chinese historiography.
- 恢弘巨制 Grand Works
- 武侠巨制 swordsman film' s blockbuster
- 名家巨制 masterpiece
- 这部作品真是长篇巨制! This work of art is really a long piece!
- 四大名著是中国小说史上的巨制。 The four famous works are the monumental works of Chinese fiction history.
- 这部自传体的宏篇巨制是她漫长事业生涯的必然成果。 This massive autobiographical work was the logical culmination of her long career.
- 豪华、张的场景,凝练、慧的剧本,《路易十四的情妇》无疑是一部多彩的历史巨制,以其率性和激情抓住了17世纪的奢糜之精髓。 With rich, sumptuous sets and a witty, intelligent script, Marquise is a colorful period piece that captures the lusty spirit of the17 th century with its fire, frivolity and passion.
- 《超级巨制:潜水艇》透过实地拍摄和CGI,向观众展示现今的潜水艇如何挑战想像力,变得更快更静;以及配备甚麽功能,令科幻小说作家也可能要拍案叫绝。 Through exclusive access to training missions, CGI and recreation, we'll show how today's submarines defy the imagination: they dive deeper, are quieter( and deadlier) and are capable of feats that would amaze even science fiction writers.