- 敝屣 worn-out shoes
- 屣 slippers
- 他待她如敝屣。 He treats her like dirt.
- 蔽屣 a worthless thing
- 自从琼斯政务员在履职中的腐败行为被揭露出来后,他的名声非常坏。 Councilor Jones's name has been mud since he was implicated in official corruption.
- 倒屣相迎 greet a visitor with the shoes on back to front; a hearty welcome
- 前车之履,后车之鉴。 The overturning of the cart in front is a warning to the carts behind.
- 弃如敝屣 to reject something as if it were worthless
- 剑及履及 To perform a task with full vigor and urgency
- 弃若沿敝屣 cast aside like an old shoe
- 郑人买履 the man who rather trusted his measruements than placing any confidence in his own feet when buying shoes; dogmatism; dogmatists
- 视如敝屣 regard as worthless
- 履 shoe
- 敝屣尊荣 turn one's back on worldly honours
- "今所吟之句,飞腾之兆已见,不日可接履于云霓之上矣.可贺,可贺!" These lines foretell rapid advancement. Very soon you will be treading upon the clouds. Let me congratulate you.
- 如弃敝屣 like throwing away an old sandal; give up sth. without any repentance
- 皮制鞋履 leather footwear
- 敝屣虚荣 cast away vanity like a pair of worn-out shoes; despise vanity
- 履齿 grouser
- 弃之如敝屣 cast away like a pair of worn-out shoes