- 因举止孟浪而道歉 an apology for apparent rudeness
- 卤莽的;孟浪的;无礼的 saucy; impolite
- 我并不是有意轻狂。 I do not mean it as a liberty.
- 我不喜欢轻狂与虚荣。 I don't like fuss and feather.
- 我这可谓孟浪之言,但我仍认为他能获胜. I may be sticking my neck out,but I think he's going to win.
- 我年少轻狂。 I was intemperate in my youth.
- 我是这样一个大胆孟浪的娘儿们,这倒是一件好事,你说是吗? It's a good thing I'm such a forward slut, isn't it?
- 轻狂的举动 extremely frivolous behavior
- 我是这样一个大胆孟浪的娘儿们,这倒是一件好事,你说是吗? It's a good thing I'm such a forward slut, isn't it?
- 年少的心总有些轻狂 My heart in tender youth always be somewhat frivolous
- 她是个糊涂的轻狂女人。 She was a careless jade.
- 大雨降下,一切轻狂洒脱; The heavy rain lowers, all frivolous free and easy;
- 轻浮的,轻佻的;轻狂的 Frivolous and lighthearted;flighty.
- 我用轻狂和自负的态度,玩著爱情的游戏 The game of love I played with arrogance and pride
- 他参与曼哈顿计划的年少轻狂的事迹或许有趣, While the tales of his youthful high-jinks at the project may be amusing
- 我一定会把他们打的片甲不留。因为我年少轻狂。 I will blow them out of the water.
- 至少要有几个哥们,找到年少轻狂时共同成长的友谊。 At least a few kids that grow up to young friends, the friendship.
- 总得来说,她是个大方友善的人,只不过偶尔有点轻狂。 On the whole she is generous and friendly exceptthat she is a little frivolous from time to time.
- 我看她十足表现了没有家教的野态,完全是乡下人不懂礼貌的轻狂。 It seems to me to shew an abominable sort of conceited independence, a most country town indifference to decorum."
- "不说丫鬟们太过余小心,还只当我素日是这等轻狂惯了呢" "Instead of calling my maids too fussy, people would imagine I always behave in this outrageous fashion."