- 填房| 续弦 to marry again [said of a widower]
- 娶妻 wive
- 真是年纪大了,嫁给人做填房也好,像汪太太那样不是很好么?” If she really does get old, she can do just as well to marry a widower, like Mrs. Wang, Didn't that work out very nicely?"
- 再娶 deuterogamy
- 他征询他父亲对他娶简的意见。 He sounded out his father on the idea of marrying Jane.
- 那鳏夫未曾再娶. The widower did not remarry.
- 他迟早会娶那姑娘的。 He will marry the girl first or last.
- 他娶了个苏格兰姑娘。 He wedded a girl from Scotland.
- 他娶了一位有许多美德的淑女。 He married a lady with many graces.
- 当他看到她同另一个男人结婚的时候,他才从娶美女的美梦中惊醒过来。 He was roughly awakened from his dream of marrying a pretty woman when he saw she was married to another man.
- 我弟弟娶了个白肤金发碧眼的女人。 My younger brother married a blonde.
- 他渴望娶她为妻。 He is desirous of her hand in marriage.
- 娶,嫁以夫妻相待 To take as a spouse.
- 先奸后娶 To debauch first and marry afterwards
- 已娶妻 have a wife
- 故里娶妻 The Marriage of Isaac
- [古]娶妻 take a wife
- 一个爱尔兰妇人申言,生活不富裕的男子休想娶她的女儿为妻。 An Irish woman vowed that no man should have her daughter as wife who hadn't his cake baked.
- 那鳏夫未曾再娶。 The widower did not remarry.
- 我希望娶你为妻。 I want to make you my wife.