- 气吞山河 full of daring; imbued with a spirit that can conquer mountains and rivers
- 威风凛凛 awe-inspiring
- 另外还有就是屁股底下的小凳子,为了在放凳子的时候声音能够整齐划一、气吞山河,所以我们屁股下面的小凳子都是用纯铁做的。 Furthermore the small stool under my buns was very boring, the small stools under our buns were all made of pure irons just for the sounds being full of power and grandeur when we put down our stools.
- 威风凛凛的 Jovian
- 这支骑兵部队非常威风凛凛。 The cavalry is extremely majestic-looking.
- 穿着全副盛装|威风凛凛 in full regalia
- 一副好嗓子威风凛凛。 He had a fine commanding voice.
- 成了一名威风凛凛的船长 Captain of a schooner me
- 朱庇特威风凛凛地坐在当中。 Jupiter, with august gravity, sitting in the midst.
- 那辆车威风凛凛地驶过车道抵达皇宫大门。 The big car swept up the drive to the entrance of the palace .
- 火烈鸟威风凛凛地穿过了沼泽地。 flamingoes walk majestically through the marshes.
- 她们用“威风凛凛”来评价他。 They pronounced him "awesome."
- 他总是一副威风凛凛的样子。 He always inspires awe.
- 策马前进, 威风凛凛地向前奔。 Ride on, ride on in majesty.
- 悬崖顶上的监狱不像以前那么威风凛凛了。 The prison on the crag was not so dominant as of yore;
- 埃尔加:威风凛凛进行曲科茨:骑士桥进行曲。 ELGAR: Pomp And Circumstance March No.
- 他渐渐摆起架子来,装出一副威风凛凛的样子。 He began to put on side and to assume airs of authority.
- 他渐渐摆起架子来,装出一副威风凛凛的样子。 He began to put on side and to assume airs of authority.
- 山西临汾地区的"威风锣鼓",气势非凡、威风凛凛, The "Weifeng Drum Dance"in Linfen Prefecture, Shanxi Province, has an imposing manner and militant bearing.
- 耐儿走近那威风凛凛的大门时,它正在慢慢地打开。 As Nell approached the awful door, it turned slowly upon.