- 但这不是委屈求全的原因 And not the words of one who kneels
- 这里面的滑稽角色当属那位委屈求全的威尔克斯先生! Of course the comic figure in all this is the long-suffering Mr. Wilkes!
- 委屈 (v) feel wronged
- 求全 demand perfection
- 背义求全 renounce honor and strive for existence
- 受委屈的 injured
- 凝聚求全 coherent completion
- 感到委屈 feel aggrieved at sth.
- 引割求全法 completion by cuts
- 曲意求全 make special allowances to save a situation
- 受委屈 be upset by some unkindess
- 求全之毁 One tries one's best and still gets criticized for it; the dissatisfaction engendered from the demanding of perfection; try to be perfect only to receive reproaches
- 忍辱求全 endure humiliation for the sake of preserving unity
- 但愿我们没有得罪他,他在电话里的声音像是受了委屈。 I hope we haven't offended him; he sounded rather hurt on the phone.
- 忍让求全 show oneself forbearing and conciliatory for the sake of the common good; be forbearing and conciliatory for the sake of preserving unity
- 她的眼睛流露出一种委屈的神色。 There was a hurt look in her eyes.
- 求全主义 completism
- 她做任何事情都想求全。 She aims at perfection in everything she does.
- 使委屈 aggrieve
- 但丁慷慨激昂地向我们倾诉,他的声音通常饱受委屈,愤愤不平。 Dante speaks to us in an impassioned human voice that is often aggrieved and vengeful.