- 她很擅长竞走吗? The referee at walking can disqualify a competitor in the event of a foul. Is she very good at walking?
- 她很擅长在公开场合演讲。 She was a brilliant public speaker.
- 吗 morphine
- 她很强调行为端正。 She lay great stress on proper behavior.
- 她很擅长化学。 She is really good at chemistry.
- 她很高吗? Is she a tall girl?
- 罗宾是一名杰出的新闻工作者,他确实很擅长文字工作。 Robin is an excellent journalist,he really has a way with words.
- 不速之客的到来弄得她很慌张。 She was put in a fluster by the unexpected guests.
- 想必你很擅长, I think you are good at it.
- 她很明显地是在讽刺什么人。 She was obviously digging at somebody.
- 我很擅长翻烙饼。 I'm good at turning a pancake.
- 她很想离开。 She is dying to leave.
- 我很擅长适应新环境。 I adapt easily to new conditions.
- 她涨红的脸显示她很紧张。 Her red face betrayed her nervousness.
- 他们都很擅长针线活儿。 They were all proficient in needlework.
- 她很不幸,找不到工作。 She had no luck finding a job.
- 他很擅长处理因愤怒人群造成的混乱局面,这一才能引起了上司的注意。 His ability to dispose the messy situation caused by angry people caught the attention of his superior.
- 她很怕水。 She has a great fear of water.
- 她很上照。 She photos well.
- 她很上镜。 She takes well.