- 她在看什么书? What is the book about that she is reading?
- 她在看什么书? What is the book about that she is reading?
- 上个星期她在纠正一个小错误时把整个工作都搞砸了,所以这次她保持原样不动了。 Last week she ruined the whole job while trying to put right a small mistake, so this time she left well alone.
- 你在看什么? What are you looking at?
- 她在看书。 My mother is reading book.
- 米尔福德法官教导子女的原则就是让孩子们爱看什么书就看什么书。 Judge Milford's pedagogical scheme was to let the children read whatever they pleased.
- 她在二十一岁生日的时获得了一笔遗产 She came into a fortune on her21st birthday.
- 孩子们在看电影时闹得太凶,管理人员把他们赶了出去。 The children made so much noise at the movie that the manager kicked them out.
- 她的名望使她在该团体中有重要地位。 Her famous name gave her status in the group.
- 你在看什么呢? What are you looking at ?
- 他不论什么书都看。 He read whatever books he could get.
- 她在黑暗中睁大眼睛看。 She strained her eyes in the darkness.
- 这小男孩正在看书,但书中没有插图,所以,不久他就觉得乏味了。 The little boy was reading, but the book had no pictures and soon palled on him.
- 她什么书都有。 She has all kinds of books.
- 她在昏暗的房间里别人看不到她。 She was invisible in the dusk of the room.
- 宝贝,你在看什么? Honey, what's that you are reading about?
- 一种扭曲的忠诚会使她在同意书上签字以保持团队的一致性。 A perverse form of loyalty would lead her to sign the form in order to preserve team unity.
- 你在看什么报纸? Whats that paper you are reading?
- 她在读到有趣的地方就停住,而让书就在这一页上摊开着。 She generally paused in an interesting part, and left the book lying about.
- 爸爸,你在看什么节目? Dad, what are you watching?