- 风尘 travel fatigue
- 沦落风尘 sink into professions not socially respectable; become a courtesan; be driven to prostitution
- 四处奔走找工作 to scrimmage for looking for a job
- 风尘碌碌 busy with worldly affairs
- 风尘女 prostitute
- (当尼克松竞选艾森豪威尔的副总统时,他到处奔走拉票。) Nixon was a baby kisser when he ran for Vice President with Eisenhower.
- 久历风尘 having tasted the hardships of life
- 在那儿,使者无故奔走于没有历史的君王统治的国土之间; Where messengers run errands for no cause between the kindoms of kings of no history;
- 她被迫四处奔走求救於人, 但愿意帮她的人一个不如一个。 She is drive from pillar to post and each person she speak to is more unhelpful than the last.
- 风尘沉积 aeolian deposits
- 风尘特征 aeolian feature
- 奔走告贷 run around trying to raise money
- 沦入风尘 fall into professions not socially respectable
- 奔走如飞 run like flying
- 满脸风尘 cover a face with dust; hardship of travelling; a faceful of travelling dust
- 他们为了修护臭氧层,遏止温室效应,保护土壤和拯救热带雨林,必须奔走游说。 They must campaign to repair the ozone shield, halt the greenhouse effect, preserve soils and save the tropical rainforest.
- 风尘表物 one who rises above the winds and dust; one who transcends the secular world
- 我们开着车,四处奔走。 we were driven from pillar to post.
- 风尘序列 eolian sequence
- 由于朋友的奔走,他得以释放。 Through the agency of friends he was set free.