- 地狭;瓶颈 a neck of land;the neck of a flask.
- 预应力垂直锚补偿重力式结构在闹市窄地基坑围护中的应用 Application of Gravity-Type Structure Compensated with Prestressed Vertical Anchor to Narrow Foundation Pit Support in Downtown Area
- "贾菌便跳出来,要揪打那一个飞砚的.金荣此时随手抓了一根毛竹大板在手,地狭人多,那里经得舞动长板." "Jia Jun launched himself at the boy who had thrown the inkstone, while Jin Rong caught up a bamboo pole and played havoc with it in that narrow crowded room."
- 窄 narrow
- 相应地 ,一般论者也把“经济自由主义”错误地狭限于“放任 (自由 )经济制度”以满足一小撮人的经济自由。 The qeneral scholars correspondingly mistake“economical liberalism”as noninterference(freedom)economical system,in order to satisfy the freedom of economy of a handful of persons.
- 安全地 without accident
- 相反地 by contraries
- 主动地 on one's own initiative
- 积极地 energetically
- 成功地 triumphantly
- 详细地 minutely
- 不停地 ceaselessly
- 渐渐地 bit by bit
- 准确地 well and truly
- 认真地 in earnest
- 同样地 likewise
- 完全地 absolutely
- 相应地 accordingly
- 明显地 markedly
- 顺利地 successfully