- 大家 authority
- 闽 (N) abbreviation for Fujian Province
- 大家好 hello
- 真人秀 reality TV show
- 脱口秀 talk show
- 谢谢大家 thanks everyone
- 曼秀雷敦 mentholatum
- 在联欢晚会上大家都非常愉快。 Everybody enjoyed himself ever so at the evening party.
- 秀外慧中 beautiful and intelligent
- 模仿秀 imitation show
- 照片得到了大家的好评。 The picture was praised by everybody.
- 植村秀 Shu Uemera
- 大家好,我们又见面了。 Hi! Welcome to see you again.
- 大家闺秀 girl from a good family; a wellbred girl; lady
- 时装秀 fashion show
- 经过讨论,大家一致通过了这项计划。 The discussion led to unanimous approval of the plan.
- 你们大家 you-all
- 她风姿秀逸。 She moved with grace.
- 祝大家新年快乐! A Happy New Year to one and all!
- 做秀 make a show