- 报纸广告大力宣传新型号的优点。 The newspaper ads plump the virtue of the new model.
- 请大力支持本地剧院,欢迎经常光临! Support your local theatre: buy tickets regularly!
- 是好天气成全了假日之美 It is the beautiful weather that really made the holiday
- 婚姻成全人,也能损害人。 Marriage makes or mars a man.
- 大力宣传 conduct vigorous propaganda
- 宝宝,把我成全 Let love overflow my life
- 大力钳 lock wrench
- 好,革离愿意成全 Fine, Ge Li will do all he can
- 大力推广 widely popularize
- 我可能成全你,也可能毁掉你。 I may make or break you.
- 大力水手卜派。 Popeye the sailorman.
- 少女露笑脸,婚事半成全。 A maid that laughs is half taken.
- 多谢您的大力栽培。 A thousand thanks for your patronage.
- 爱除了成全自己之外,别无他求。 Love has no other desire but to fulfil itself.
- 军民大力投入春耕。 The army and the people plunged into spring ploughing with vim and vigour.
- 成全别人的好事;帮助别人实现愿望 Help sb. To fulfil his wish; aid sb. In doing a good job
- 新政府以允许媒介毫无顾忌地报道任何事情来大力倡导自由。 The new government struck a blow for freedom by allowing the news media to report everything without fear.
- 愿神帮助我们认识并成全神的呼召! May God help us to know and to fulfil our calling!
- 皇宫剧院大力推出一位魔术师 The Palace Theater headlines a magician.
- 两个人痛苦,不如成全一个人的快乐。 To let one happy is better than suffering on two persons.