- 然后大个儿妖魔向小个儿妖魔扑了过去,用拳头猛打他的头。 Then the bigger giant sprang on the smaller one and beat him on the head with his fist.
- 可爱伦小姐说:'把他带走吧,肯尼迪先生,联盟比我们更需要大个儿萨姆呢。' But Miss Ellen she say: 'Tek him, Mist' Kennedy. De Confedrutsy need Big Sam mo' dan us do.'
- 等到他把第三封,也是最长的一封信读完,这只黑白相间的大个儿猫已经睡熟了。 By the time he had finished the third and longest letter the big black and white cat was asleep.
- 我们有10年没有见面了,本来是一个小不点的男孩子,现在已长成6英尺高200磅重的大个儿了。 We did not meet again for ten years,by then,the rather puny boy had grown into a six-foot man,weighing 200 pounds.