- 本文基于边界元法(BEM),提出了一种新的计算波导加载谐振腔的谐振频率、外Q值和场分布的数值计算方法。 This paper presents a new numerical method, which is based on boundary element method (BEM), for the computation of resonant frequency, external Q value and field distribution of the waveguide loaded cavity.
- 外 outside
- 值 value
- 电Q值 electricity Q
- 外包 epiboly
- 超值 overflow
- 在外 outer
- 默认值 Windows default
- 外向 extroversion
- 外卖 take-out
- 尾波Q值 Q value of coda
- 婚外 extramarital
- 最大值 max.
- 体外 in vitro
- 不值 not worth
- 外箱 outer container
- 充值卡 top-up card
- 外径 outside diameter
- 外框 outline border
- 插值 interpolation