- 这位英雄名震寰宇。 The hero rs fame resounded throughout the whole world.
- 声震层 sonic boom carpet
- 声 noise
- 声震效应 sonic boom effects
- 震 shock
- 寰宇 earth
- 大声 loudly
- 声震云宵 Shouts rend the air
- 有声读物 talking book
- 太平寰宇记 The Notes of the Peace Earth
- 原声 original sound
- 寰宇无双 There is no equal in the world
- 声卡 sound card
- 对寰宇之母圣子的款待 Om adityaya naham Salutations to the son of the cosmic mother
- 避震 move away to avoid possible earthquakes; evacuate earthquake-prone zone
- 有声 sound
- 你的眼睛光耀照亮寰宇。 Your eyes will shine on the world.
- 出声 phonate
- 师父开示让灵性之光遍照寰宇 Master Says Let the Light of Spirituality Illuminate the Universe
- 她全身明显一震。 A visible shudder swept over her.