- 填房| 续弦 to marry again [said of a widower]
- 续弦 remarry after the death of one's wife
- 真是年纪大了,嫁给人做填房也好,像汪太太那样不是很好么?” If she really does get old, she can do just as well to marry a widower, like Mrs. Wang, Didn't that work out very nicely?"
- “鸾胶续弦”法 coincided clues
- 他还不许大臣们向他提续弦的事。 He would never suffer his ministers to speak about any alliance.
- “似乎昆虫也要贞节,续弦再醮,连作药的资格也丧失了。” "It seems that even insects have to observe traditional marriage virtues, and if they 'remarry' they lose their qualification to be ground into medicine."
- 母亲王义宋,除了大哥大姐之外,还有四个弟弟,我们的五舅光河排行最小,也是母亲最爱护的弟弟,早年在福清县江兜村老祖家时,外祖母去世,外祖父续弦了。 Apart from an elder brother and elder sister, our mother Wang Yi-song had four younger brothers. Guanghe was the youngest among them and was also one whom she loved and looked after most. They spent their childhood in the ancestral home at Jiandou village in the county of Fuqing (Fujian province). When our maternal grandmother passed away, grandfather re-married.