- 让我们坦诚相见吧。 Let's be open with each other.
- 朋友间应该坦诚相见。 Friends should be frank with each other.
- 他对我们是坦诚相见。 He treated us open-heartedly.
- 我们应坦诚相见。 We should be candid.
- 对陌生人切忌坦诚相见。 You should not show your hand to a stranger.
- 让我们彼此坦诚相见吧。 Let's be open with each other.
- 你对我的回答坦诚相见 You answered me with no pretense
- 我觉得你没有跟我坦诚相见。 I don't think you're being straight with me.
- 我将和你完全坦诚相见。 I shall be quite honest with you.
- 1996年,她母亲在一次坦诚相见的谈话中对她说出了真相。 Melissa's mother blurted out the truth in 1996 during a heart-to-heart chat.
- 在整个讨论过程中大家坦诚相见,互相鼓励。 Everybody met each other candidly and encouraged each other in the entirely course of discussing.
- 谒诚欢迎各界有识之士坦诚相见,真诚合作。 Wholeheartedly welcome faithful cooperation from men of insight of all circles.
- 我们之间的良好关系给我们双方都带来了利益,倘若我们贬低其重要性,那么,我们就不够坦诚相见。 We would be less than candid if we minimized the significance of the benefits we each receive from our good relations