- 坚韧 (adj) tough and pliable; ductile
- 坚韧的 tough
- 这房屋的地基不牢固。 The foundations of the house are insecure.
- 种姓制度在一些东方国家如印度仍然很牢固。 The caste system is still strong in some eastern countries such as India.
- 这料子像皮革般坚韧。 This material is as tough as leather.
- 木匠把玻璃牢固地嵌入窗架里。 The carpenter set the glass firmly in the window frame.
- 运动员在比赛中表现出坚韧的斗志。 The athletes displayed great tenacity throughout the contest.
- 这座不牢固的木桥断裂了。 The frail wooden bridge cracked.
- 坚韧的有独到见解的;意志坚强的 Mentally toughened; strong-minded.
- 这房子是用粗木板牢固地建造的。 The house was built solidly of rough wooden planks.
- 火箭发射防护室用于发射导弹和太空飞行器的牢固建筑物 A heavily reinforced building used for launch operations of missiles and space launch vehicles.
- 变坚韧 toughen
- 我们的友谊建筑在牢固的基础上。 Our friendship is on firm grounds.
- 坚韧的黑洋槐木料,抗腐蚀性极强。 strong stiff wood of a black-locust tree; very resistant to decay.
- 地基很牢固。 The foundations are very firm.
- 坚韧检测 robust detection
- 种姓制度在印度仍然很牢固。 The caste system is still strong in India.
- 花期较晚的乔木或长有红黄花和坚韧或木质的夹豆的半灌木 small late-flowering trees or subshrubs having yellow to red flowers and leathery or woody pods; often especially formerly included in genus Cytisus
- 它很牢固,足以支撑住屋顶的重量。 It is strong enough to bear up the weight of the roof.
- 带有浅褐色谷壳状鳞片坚韧复叶的北美蕨类。 North American fern whose more or less evergreen leathery fronds are covered with pale brown chafflike scales.