- 坐下 take 100 take a chair
- 坐下 sit down
- 首相带了大批随从来华盛顿。Take The prime minister brought a large retinue to Washington with her.Take
- take 的过去式是 took。 The past tense of 'take' is 'took'.
- 他每星期付100美元的房租。 He pays 100 dollars a week rent.
- 他在椅子上坐下。 He seated himself in a chair.
- take delivery (货物) 受领
- 他测验得了100分。 He scored 100 on the test.
- ‘Take place’是个常见的连语 'Take place' is a common collocation.
- 坐下喝点什么吧。 Sit down and have a drink.
- 公司每周给他100英镑作为杂费。 The firm allows him a hundred pound a week for incidental expenses.
- (口语)停止,终止(常与take up连用) leave off doing sth.
- 他轻松自如地走到海伦身边坐下。 He waltzed across to Helen and sat down beside her.
- 功率100瓦 an output of 100 watts
- take the goods out of bond (完税后) 提出被海关扣存的货物
- 诸位站着的现在可以重新坐下了。 Those standing may now resume their seats.
- 他的祖父活到了100岁。 His grandfather lived to a hundred.
- 试比较happen、 occur、 take place这叁个词语. Compare happen, occur and take place.
- 拉把椅子过来坐下。 Draw up a chair and sit down.
- 100米 100-meter run