- 在门口的究竟是谁呢? Whoever can that be at the door?
- 在门口的究竟会是谁呢? Whoever can that be at the door?
- 他唠叨的究竟是谁的生日?”有一个水手问。 "Whose birthday did he say it was?" one of the sailors asked.
- 丢在门口的噩耗使我举步维艰我不记得自己有没有哭当我读到他那位新寡妻子的新闻时 Bad news on the doorstep I couldn't take one more step I can't remember if I cried When I read about his widowed bride
- "问题是" ,杰克说,"试图压我们服从的那个家伙是谁呢?" "The question is", said Jack, "who's the fellow that's trying to put the fear of God in us?"
- “站在门口的那个漂亮的小娘儿们是谁?”他问道。 "Who's that pretty bit of muslin standing at the door?" he asked.
- 那位白发男子仍然在煞费苦心,还在向他的下级助手讲解他所需要的究竟是什么呢。 The white-haired man was still trying to explain what he wanted to the junior assistant.
- 我们给睡在门口的狗绊了一脚。 We stumbled over a dog sleeping in our doorway.
- "可是,我还有什么别的法子呢?所有的牌都捏在你的手里。" "Well, what else is there for me to do? You hold all the cards in your hands."
- 在门口的一定是邮递员。 That will be the postman at the door.
- 那个在尖叫的女孩究竟是谁呢? Who on earth is the screaming girl?
- "我本以为你要去买东西呢?" "改变主意是女人的特权嘛。" "I thought you were going shopping." "It's a woman's privilege to change her mind."
- 上尉在门口布了岗。 The captain posted guards at the door.
- "你他妈的是谁?" 他粗暴地问道。 "你为何在这儿闲荡?" "And who the devil may you be?" he asked truculently. "What are you doing, hanging about here?"
- 站在门口的那个人划了一根火柴点着雪茄。 The man in the doorway struck a match and lit his cigar.
- 究竟是谁叫你求我借给你钱? Who ever told you to ask me to lend you the money?
- 站在门口的那个学生很聪明。 The student at the door is intelligent.
- 爱因斯坦:究竟是鸡过马路,或是马路过鸡,取决於你的叁考座标。 Albert Einstein: Whether the chicken crossed the road or the road crossed the chicken depends upon your frame of reference.
- 这能是谁呢? Who can that be?
- 垂在门口的一块较重的帘子。 a heavy curtain hung across a doorway.