- 脑门儿 front
- 宝宝的脑门儿很圆,看着就像个聪明孩子! The forehead of the baby is quite round, which signifies cleverness at first sight.
- 安耐特颓然跃进一把椅子里,用两只拳头顶着脑门儿,突然撕心裂肺地哭了起来。 Annette sank into a chair, and, leaning her forehead on her two fists, burst into passionate weeping.
- (解剖学)属于或关于前囟头盖骨。 (anatomy) of or relating to the bregma of the skull.
- 安耐特颓然跃进一把椅子里,用两只拳头顶着脑门儿,突然撕心裂肺地哭了起来。 Annette sank into a chair, and, leaning her forehead on her two fists, burst into passionate weeping.
- 前囟头盖骨顶部矢状和冠状缝合处的接合处 The junction of the sagittal and coronal sutures at the top of the skull.
- 前、后囟穿刺术解剖标本制作新方法 The new skill to make anatomical specimens by paracentesis of ante-posterior fontanelle
- 前囟 bregma
- 后囟 fonticulus occipitalis
- 颅囟 fonticuli cranii
- 头囟 fontanel; the top of head
- 枕囟 fonticulus occipitalis
- 囟解 metopism
- 小囟 fonticulus minor
- 囟会 gv 22
- 囟填 bulging of fontanel in infant
- 囟顶 fontanel; vertex
- 囟缝 [医] metopic suture
- 囟骨 frontal fontanelle; anterior fontanelle
- 囟陷 sunken fontanel