- 回复 restore
- 请回复 RSVP
- 敝人向贵公司申请担任会计员一事,承蒙回复,十分感谢。 I very much appreciate your acknowledgment of my application for the position of accountant.
- 国民经济开始复兴。 The national economy began to revive.
- 回答用言语或书写的回复 A response in speech or writing.
- 国家复兴 national regeneration
- 复兴街。 Fu Shing Rrow.
- 他总是迅速回复来信。 He is always prompt in answering letters.
- 民族意识的复兴 a resurgence of nationalist feeling
- 回复信息 return information
- 凯尔特文化的复兴 the Celtic Renaissance.
- 恭候贵司早日回复。相信,不久我们之间会很快建立起互惠互利的贸易关系。 Await your early favourable reply, and believing that mutually pleasant business relation will shortly be established.
- 复兴金融公司 Reconstruction Finance Corporation
- 他每天有大量的信件要回复。 He has a large amount of mail to answer every day.
- 古典复兴建筑 classical revival architecture
- 这封电报要求立即回复。 The telegram asked for an instant reply.
- 提倡复兴福音的教派。 an attempt to reawaken the evangelical faith.
- 回复力 restoring force
- 学术复兴 the rebirth of learning
- 非洲的联合与复兴 African Union and Rejuvenation of Africa